Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Dreaded Math

When I was in school I really hated Math class.  I never felt confident and got terrible grades.  For so many years I just assumed it was my own problem and just accepted it.  I am so glad that I have had the privilege of taking a few math courses like this later in life.  I have really enjoyed these classes.  It really made me realize that I am in fact good at math and that if I don't know something, I can be taught!!!  I don't ever want a student of mine to just assume that their inability to accomplish something is their own fault, like I was made to feel.  I tried everything as a youngster when it came to Math and nothing helped.  I realize now that I (or my teachers) just never found that special teaching technique that made it all click.  I want to be sure that I have as many weapons possible in my arsenal to make it click for all of my students.  

The article I linked here takes a different look at why a lot of students struggle with math.  I really touches on the importance of understanding your students and understanding that students all learn differently.
Kid enable article

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Common Core

      This week I read a bit about the Common Core Standards.  I am still not really sure how I feel about this idea.  I realize that we have to have certain standards for our students to work towards, but this nationwide blanket idea is a little strange to me.
      As I read in the article that I linked below, this is the second time in 16 years that the standards have had a major “overhaul”.  It seems like a lot of time and effort is being put into adopting standards yet our schools are still struggling on so many other ways.  Maybe instead of spending all of that money on the standards, they could have thrown a little cash at some schools with out of date textbooks.  Just an idea. 
       I don’t think the standards are the problem in this country.  I think it has more to do with educational priorities and abilities of individuals.  

If you do read this article, be sure to read some of the comments, there are some interesting ideas!

Monday, June 20, 2011

I love manipulatives!!

I’ve never been a really strong math person.  In fact when I was in elementary school I hated it with a passion and was deathly afraid during most math classes that I would be called upon to answer some question because more likely than not I had absolutely NO IDEA what was going on.  Not only that, but of course there were the dreaded flashcards.  The teacher would go around the room so everyone could have a chance, and there is nothing better than the “deer in the headlights” nervousness of everyone’s eyes on you as you struggle to figure out what 43-17 equals.  I just never did well under pressure. 
Thank goodness my own students won’t have to feel the fear and trepidation I did as a youngster.  If only my former math teachers had realized the benefits of things like manipulatives.  I think I would have had an entirely different mathematical experience if I would have been able to see and touch the problems we were working on rather than be expected to memorize a bunch of numbers and formulas.  It was never put into real life context and therefore made absolutely no sense to me at all.  I realize that teachers back then didn’t have the technology that there is now, unless you count (and I’m really dating myself here) Number Munchers on the ol’ Apple IIE.  Innovative at the time, but not a great stride in teaching kids math. 
The manipulatives we have worked with in MML are great.  They really show what is going on and give students a chance to see where the math is coming from.  I think this is so important. 
Here is a great website for manipulatives  Manipulatives

New At The Blog

Hello everyone!  My name is Janessa Schmidt and I am a student in the dLite program at Bemidji State University.  I am taking Math 1512 through Central Lakes this summer.  I am relatively new to the blogging world, so bear with me!